Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Butchering Day

Today I set my alarm early.  I once read that it would be easier to capture the cockerels early in the morning while they are still half asleep and loopy.  I was out there right before sunrise, capturing them one by one and hauling them out to a holding pen.  We didn't get to butchering until later in the afternoon, due to other chores that took priority that morning.   This butchering ordeal is my least favorite part of being part carnivore.

I had already spent some time the last couple of days in the pen with the birds finding and marking the more docile roosters.  I knew there were at least a couple, but managed to find five that would let me handle them.  They seemed to have no fear nor contempt of me and would jump up on the fence waiting for an invitation to roost on my arm or to be held in my hands.  As soon as I picked one up, he would get comfortable in the palm of my hand and sit there until my arm grew tired and I had to let him down.  These five I marked by spraying 'Blu Kote' on their feet and legs.   At the very end, I will have to pick two only to keep.  I have to leave the area when DH does the dirty deed with the three who won't make it. 

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