Sunday, October 11, 2009

Time to 'Do' Geese

We still have not finished off most of the geese. We still have twelve, maybe thirteen to do. Last month DH butchered three and since we don't really eat organ meat, we skinned the birds and saved the filleted breast meat and the entire legs with the bone in. The organ meat went to waste. Did not feel too good about that. We have asked several people that we know if they were interested, but with no takers. I had a few more people I'd thought to ask--one a caterer and the other a restauranteer... but now I am thinking that since I have decided to try my hand at making goose stock with the carcasses, then surely I can come up with something for the organ meat. Here are some recipes that sound like they have potential... and more recipes--this time using goose fat.

And a recipe for goose stock that is the base for a Borscht.


  1. Hey, I'm interested in the organs, and goose fat!

  2. Darius, Have any plans on passing through IL anytime soon? I have no organ meat right now, but do have some goose fat to spare.
